Archive for striping

Sealing and Striping, Saint Gianna, Wentzville

We have been showcasing a number of sealing and striping projects this fall, and now that we are approaching the winter months, and the promise of snow ahead, it’s the perfect time to get your parking lot ready to face the changing temperatures and winter weather.

Now that snow is on the way, here is another reason to have Widel come and seal and stripe your lot. A newly sealcoated surface will making plowing and shoveling a breeze. On a porous asphalt surface, snow and ice will adhere to the pavement; however, on a sealcoated parking lot, the accumulation will sit on the surface and make snow removal far easier. Winter months also mean less daylight, and fresh striping makes the lines pop on the freshly sealed pavement which allows for better visibility.

Our most recent project at Saint Gianna’s not only looks great, saved our client money in the long run, but is ready to take on any weather that comes our way this winter! Seize the chance to get your parking surface ready for the winter so that come spring your lot will look as great as it did when it was freshly paved!