Concrete Repair – Strip Mall – South County, MO

Potholes are a frustration for everybody, and often plague areas with older pavement. As pavement ages, it can begin to crack. Those cracks expand when water freezes in them during the winter, and eventually water can accumulate underneath the pavement, which also expands when frozen. When the ice melts, you are left with cracked pavement with an empty cavity underneath. This collapses and forms a pothole.

When Widel Paving began working on a job at a strip mall in South County, there was a huge pothole in need of repair. To begin repairing it, we first had to remove the existing 3 inches of asphalt.  We then installed 6 inches of reinforced concrete to repair the hole.

How is your pavement aging? If you’re dealing with potholes or other signs of aging, just call us for a free estimate. Whether it’s a repair or a full replacement, Widel Paving can bring your paving back up to what it needs to be.